Nisha and I went to the High together. To be honest, at first, I was more excited to ride on marta than to actually see the exhibit, but we ended up just walking to the museum instead. The walk itself was like walking through art. Every other building had some type of either historical architecture or really modern-day style. Being that it was just Nisha and I, there was a feeling to our journey that had the strangest scent of freedom. We were roaming the streets of the big city on assignment for a college course and we were amongst all the people going home from work, going out for a fun night, and even those just looking for their next meal in the streets.
Walking into the museum was like a little sad at first. It was back to academia and responsibility. But as I continued through the exhibit and studied photo after photo and painting after painting, I realized that I was actually really intrigued by the style of Dali. His strokes were unique and I enjoyed the way he meshed religion with physics and science and managed to create real art. His intricate designs and hidden images were memorizing. All and all, the exhibit was inspiring!
I'm glad you decided to walk! I agree, spending time looking at the architecture is similar to visiting a museum. Also, I like your "picture journey" - you may be able to do something similar for your visual essay later in the semester.
I agree, it was worth the trip walking it to the High Museum instead of taking Marta. On the way we got to see both old historical buildings as well as modern ones. And it was cool to see some similarities and differences between the two different styles.