Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ugly statues

The art of not living in the dark...

So my roommate came back to tech today after enjoying some time at home this weekend. With her, she brought string, tape, and pulleys. At any other college this might have been odd, but shes a mechanical engineer and so I honestly did even blink at the contents of her bag. Instead, she informed me that we would now be able to use those pulleys and string to turn the light on and off from our beds. Genius! And so we spent the next few hours figuring and reconfiguring this mess of materials into a random assortment around our room. Now we have little pulleys attached to walls, the ceiling, and our beds. We used physics, engineering, and creativity all so we could be lazier in the future. Mission accomplished!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How is that art?

The modern art collection at the High museum is something interesting. For me, modern art rarely gets the senses going much. Instead it just gives me the sense that half of that could have been created by any 6 year old. While some of the pieces are visually interesting, as well as intricate and even aesthetically appealing, others simply aren't. Piece of canvas that has been cut into a geometric shape and painted red does not say art. It says that the "artist" was inspired by nothing, then created nothing, and somehow was praised for his nothing. If this sounds harsh, well it is. But in all honesty, how can you stick random geometric shapes in a room, call it art, and then hang other pieces of art by Dali or Titian in the same museum and give them the same praise. Clearly, they are not one in the same.

English next semester...

Next semester, I am taking the Pre med English course. I am really excited to be able to take an English class that is within the major and career track that I have chosen, but at the same time, I will miss the break from all the math and science that this semester offered. I might have gripped about writing the blogs or the essays, but studying and thinking on more creative terms was a nice reprieve from all the numbers, and chemicals, and problems that my other classes consist of. And I appreciate the excuse to go see some of the exhibits at the High without it taking away from my classes. I saw exhibits that I never would have seen, and by always walking there with a bunch of my friends, I got to see a side of Atlanta that you just don't get looking through a window from the seat of car.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Arabic calligraphy

I'm taking Arabic this semester and part of the language is calligraphy. But unlike many languages, Arabic has set rules for its calligraphy that allows for more than just a language of words to be communicated. It creates art.

UP in the AIR

A few summers ago I went to the Smithsonian National Air and Space museum in Washington D.C. Its a different kind of museum than the High, or the Louvre, but it is just as artistic and creative and fulfilling as any art museum. For someone like me; a person into the arts and sciences equally, a place like that museum was a place unlike most others. Here are a few pictures I took.